This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Now Soliciting Translations for OJS/OMP/OPS 3.5.0

Hello translators! We appreciate all the work you've done to make Open Journal Systems, Open Monograph Systems, and Open Preprint Systems multilingual. Thank you for supporting these projects!

We'd like to announce that we are currently seeking translations for OJS/OMP/OPS 3.5.0. Any translations contributed to Weblate before April 7th, 2025 will be included in the initial 3.5.0 release. Any translations completed after this date will become available in subsequent point versions.

The initial release of a version is generally only used by early adopters, but we intend to designate a future point release of 3.5 as our long term support version, and will be encouraging users across the world to upgrade. We strongly recommend getting your updated translations in throughout the year of 2025 as we refine 3.5 with additional point releases.

Kind regards, The Public Knowledge Project Team

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Common Plugins 69% 11,317 63,022 435,456 11,038 967 24 18
Open Journal Systems 80% 26,609 303,656 2,134,411 25,778 2,608 113 29
Open Monograph Press 86% 6,001 75,449 531,829 5,698 1,097 4 17
Open Preprint Systems 57% 3,558 44,483 308,624 3,433 176 5 2
PKP Web Application Library 62% 89,698 754,615 5,026,862 87,143 4,292 119 123
Registration Notification Plugin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SWORD Deposit Plugin 84% 249 1,952 12,977 234 72 2 0
TIB Conference Plugin 74% 549 7,290 53,837 549 70 0 0

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